Henry Jenkins - fandom blog tasks
Henry Jenkins - fandom blog tasks The following tasks will give you an excellent introduction to fandom and also allow you to start exploring degree-level insight into audience studies. Work through the following: Factsheet #107 - Fandom Read Media Factsheet #107 on Fandom . Use our Media Factsheet archive on the M: drive Media Shared (M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets) or log into your Greenford Google account to access the link. Read the whole of Factsheet and answer the following questions: 1) What is the definition of a fan? 2) What the different types of fan identified in the factsheet? 3) What makes a ‘fandom’? 4) What is Bordieu’s argument regarding the ‘cultural capital’ of fandom? 5) What examples of fandom are provided on pages 2 and 3 of the factsheet? 6) Why is imaginative extension and text creation a vital part of digital fandom? Henry Jenkins - degree-level reading Read the final chapter of ‘Fandom’ – written by Henry Jenkins (note: link may be blocked in scho