Learner Response:January Exam Paper 1

1) Type up any feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

WWW: I can tell you've revised here and in places use media terminology brilliantly with some work on exam technique and 20 marker essays you can definitely progress in the summer exams.
EBI: QUESTION FOCUS: you must answer the question in the exam paper , 20 mark essays particlulaty Q4 here (with a solid Q4 you would be around a C grade. 

Now read through the genuine AQA mark scheme. This is vital as the paper was an official exam paper and therefore the mark scheme tells us a lot about what AQA are expecting us to produce.

2) Write a question-by-question analysis of your performance. For each question, write how many marks you got from the number available and identify any points that you missed by carefully studying the AQA indicative content in the mark scheme:
Q1: 5/8 marks.                                                                                                                                                 
Additional points: didn't mention enough about genre theory e.g. Neale repetition and difference because the main focus of question was about genre in order and integration.

Q2: 7/12 marks                                                                                                                                                               Additional points:make sure you refer back to audience positioning as that is the question focus. tried to add good discussion of media institutions but lacked depth in economic arguments. Could have included Hesmondhalgh’s cultural industries theory to explain risk minimisation and profit maximisation. More focus on audience targeting strategies would help.

Q3. 3/9 marks                                                                                                                                                   I made a start on answering the question with some understanding of the key terms and concepts I need to address the question more effectively. This may mean missing important points related to media language, representation, or other relevant theories. A more structured response focusing on the analysis and key theoretical approaches would have been helpful here. Making sure to draw clear links to the question and focus on higher-order analysis.

Q4. 2/20 marks                                                                                                                                                 I attempted the question, but not enough points made I could have easily picked up marks. In a 20-mark question, you need to provide a more detailed, in-depth response that addresses all areas of the question. I need to ensure that I  structure the answer properly, covering the key concepts, applying theories, and making strong links to the media text. try to see whether I managed to fully address both parts of the question (e.g. theoretical framework, application to media text, and audience analysis) always get back to focusing on the question. 

Q5.1 3/3marks 

Q5.2 0/3 marks                                                                                                                                                       need to look back at textual poaching and revise 

Q6. 5/9 marks I made some valid points, understanding of some of the theoretical frameworks or media issues. But the mark scheme suggests I may have missed analysis. I need to add more in-depth explanation and include references to theories or frameworks that support my answer also making sure I cover both sides. 

Q7. 8/20 marks I attempted answer, but missed certain aspects needed to reach a higher mark. In a 20-mark question, I need to aim for clear, well-structured answers with a strong theoretical foundation. try to break down the question into parts and answer each part fully. Make sure to reference specific media theories, industry practices, and audience impact. I may need to address the question with more depth, ensuring that each theoretical and practical aspect is covered comprehensively.

3) Look at Question 4 - a 20-mark essay evaluating Levi-Strauss's binary opposition theory. Write an essay plan for this question using the indicative content in the mark scheme and with enough content to meet the criteria for Level 4 (top level). This will be somewhere between 3-4 well-developed paragraphs plus an introduction answering the question planned in some detail.

Introduction: try defining Levi-Strauss’s theory: suggests meaning is created through conflicting opposites. Explain its significance in media analysis (used in narratives, advertising, etc.) giving a sort of introduction to weather you agree with statement or not. Try to state argument: While useful, it has limitations, especially in modern, complex narratives.

Conclusion: While Levi-Strauss’s theory is useful, it does not apply universally. Media texts today are more complex, requiring broader theoretical approaches. Theory remains relevant but must be combined with other analytical tools.

4) Based on the whole of your Paper 1 learner response, plan FIVE topics / concepts / CSPs / theories that you will prioritise in your summer exam Media revision timetable.

  1. Genre Theory (Neale.) – Improve ability to apply for question focus 
  2. Media Language (Barthes, semiotics, mise-en-scène analysis) – Strengthen textual analysis.
  3. Media Industries (Hesmondhalgh) – Focus on economic and institutional analysis.
  4. Audience Theories (Hall’s reception, Uses & Gratifications, Bandura) – Apply effectively to CSPs.
  5. Postmodernism (Baudrillard, hyperreality) – Improve understanding of fragmented narratives and simulation.


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