Reception Theory
Reception Theory: 50 cent advert Applying Reception theory to adverts Preferred Readings: The producer/creator intends to inspire us and have confidence in ourselves. The slogan ' I am what I am' helps achieve this. Negotiated Readings: From the fingerprints in the background, the producers intentions could've been to offer us a narrative of a possible criminal background or violence. Oppositional Readings: The audience may be angry at Reebok as it might be thought that they are glorifying gang culture and crime and promoting it. Reception theory fact sheets 1) vampire Diaries SENDER- Katherine Elaina Stephan Damon MESSAGE- A girl and her bfs find the supernatural world of vampires and werewolves CHANNEL - Netflix. RECEIVER - The person who watches the television show. 2) What are the definitions of 'encoding' and 'decoding'? encoding : constructing a message using a shared code and language. So...