Feminist Theory

Feminist theory: blog tasks

Create a blogpost called 'Feminist theory - blog tasks' and complete the following tasks on your blog:

Media Magazine reading - two articles on feminism and theory

Read Playing With The Past: Post-feminism and the Media (MM40, page 64 - our Media Magazine archive is here). This is a great example of sophisticated media analysis and an indication of the level we want to be writing at by the end of the two-year course.

1) What examples are provided from the two texts of the 'male gaze' (Mulvey)?
The two texts provided as examples of the 'male gaze' are Pan Am and Beyonce. 

2) Do texts such as these show there is no longer a need for feminism or are they simply sexism in a different form?
Texts such as these show that there is a no longer a need for feminism due to the representation of women being independent and working in jobs that are aspirational to some of their audiences however, these texts are mainly sexism in a different form as in Pan Am we still see the sexualisation and reinforcement of the male gaze which contradicts to this sense of feminism as in Pan Am the women use their looks and donning their uniforms to gain access to places they want to be, in addition in Beyonce's music video we see her appealing to the male gaze by objectifying herself for the camera and the dress codes being highly sexualised. 

3) Choose three words/phrases from the glossary of the article and write their definitions on your blog.
Post-feminism- An ideology in culture and society that society is somehow past needing feminism and that the attitudes and arguments of feminism are no longer needed. 
Third wave feminism- Was a movement that redefined and encouraged women to be dominant and sexually assertive. 
Patriarchy- An ideology that places men in a dominant position over women. 

Now read The Theory Drop: Gender Performativity (MM69, page 25) and answer the following questions.

1) How does the writer suggest gender performativity is established from a young age?
The writer suggests that gender is a social construction that is taught to us by external influences and since it's ingrained from such a young age, we often mistake it as 'nature' rather than 'nurture'. 

2) What does the phrase 'non-binary' refer to and how does it link to Butler's theory?
The phrase 'non-binary' refers to someone who doesn't define themselves as either wholly male or female. This links to Butler's theory as she argues from a feminist perspective the idea that masculinity and femininity are binary states (at opposite ends of a scale) which reinforces ideas of patriarchal control. The gender 'trouble' she describes is when identities are formed that mess with the two binary states of femininity and masculinity. 

3) How and why does the media help reinforce gender stereotypes? The writer provides several examples in the final section of the article.
The mainstream media relies on gender stereotypes mostly as a shortcut to meaning. Narratives are easier for audiences to understand if the characters, subjects and storylines conform to a set of ideas that are already fixed in our heads from an early age. In addition audiences are more likely to be drawn to things that they recognise even though those realities are socially constructed. Examples of old stereotypes contain "Quality Street, Tide and Old Spice ads. 

Music video analysis

Finally, write up our analysis of the two music videos we studied in class. This is your opportunity to develop your own opinions on these crucial media debates.

Watch the Beyonce video for ‘Why Don’t You Love Me?’ again: 

1) How might this video contribute to Butler’s idea that gender roles are a ‘performance’?
Butler believed that gender is socially constructed, and Beyonce's music video reinforces that as we see her performing the stereotypical gender roles of a woman which is a housewife. In addition, Butler believes that gender roles are a performance and we see that in Beyonce's music video as she has makeup on and is dressed in 1950s clothing.

2) What might van Zoonen suggest regarding the representation of women in this video?
Van Zoonen believes that the female body is a spectacle sexualised for the benefit of men which we do see in Beyonce's music video through the close ups etc. of her being sexualised for the benefit of men.  

3) What are YOUR views on this debate – does Beyonce empower women or reinforce the traditional ‘male gaze’ and oppression of women? 
In my opinion, I think that she does both. In this particular music video traditional 'male gaze' conventions are presented through the use of cinematography, outfits, makeup usage in order to appeal to the requirements. She's presented as if she is dependent on the man which is the opposite of what feminists want to achieve, she's more presented as a desperate housewife for attention from her husband and not as an independent woman. However, in the majority of her discography, at the foundations of her track and albums lies music created for the sole purpose of empowering women.

Watch Will Jay's video for ‘Gangsta’ again:

1) How does the video suggest representations of masculinity have changed in recent years?
This video suggests that representations of masculinity have changed as the singer mentions that in order to be a "man" you don't have to have certain features or behave a certain way, subverting those masculine stereotypes. 

2) What does David Gauntlett suggest about representations of men in the media over the last 20 years?
David Gauntlett suggested that the explosion in media consumption in the 1980s and 90s gave audiences a chance to actively construct their identities and possibly move away from traditional stereotypes. 

3) What is YOUR view on the representation of men and masculinity? Are young men still under pressure from the media to act or behave in a certain way?
It is incredibly stupid. Men don't need to be the "protectors" of anything. The 1900's have passed and men are free to explore ways in which they want to live. Young men are still suffering from the pressure media expectations put on them and how society believes men should live. Boys cry too.


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